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How to choose the best freshwater aquarium design

How to choose the best freshwater aquarium design

If you want to set up a freshwater aquarium, you should plan the whole process.For more info freshwater aquarium plants

You must start with the shape of the aquarium you want. The freshwater aquarium can vary from one gallon to hundreds of gallons.

Then you must determine the location of the aquarium in your home. Once it is decided, you will need to see the amount of fish in your aquarium and the type of plants you need. You should know that the amount of fish determines the shape of the aquarium.

You can choose from a large number of aquarium models in the market. The amount of water is not the only variable to determine the size of the aquarium. The rectangular shape is the most preferred way because it is easier to maintain. Other popular designs are L-shaped square cubes, prone, etc.

Then you have to decide how many fish you want. You want to choose the amount of fish that would not land in your aquarium with freshwater aquariums. The amount of fish also depends on the shape of the tank. You must remember your thumb: an inch of fish needs a gallon of water. It is not a definitive scale but a generally accepted idea. You can even decide to consider the total area of ​​the tank: one inch of fish for every twelve square centimeters of the surface of the tank.

If you look at the surface, rectangular aquariums are better than hexagonal aquariums. The shape of your aquarium also depends on the habits and habitat of the fish. For example, fish remain at different levels of water, such as surface dwellers, swimmers of lower and middle inhabitants.

If you want to start for the first time, you must have information about freshwater aquariums.

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